Long Time No Post

If you haven’t noticed already the website has changed a little bit. Life is changing so it is time for a new look. I haven’t made a post in about a month now because things have gotten a little crazy! I am in the middle of making the transition from stay at home mom to working full time mom. Let me say something to anyone who works and juggles parenthood. I applaud you; It is not easy. 

Working brings (I will touch on each bullet)

  • Less sleep
  • Sluggish mornings
  • Hitting snooze a few more times
  • Coffee
  • Guilt

Less sleep is so hard and goes in hand with the following three bullets. The husband doesn’t get home till the wee morning hours and I have to be up at 5am. Let us keep in mind my daughter doesn’t go to bed till 4am. Sleep is far and few for this momma. I hit snooze at least three times now and my coffee is on auto brew. Let’s face it, who hasn’t put their eyeliner on in the bathroom at work!?

Guilt is a hard one to deal with. I struggle knowing that my children, husband and family see me less. I loved staying home and basking in the enjoyment I get from seeing my children play. It adds extra strain on any relationship because now my attention can not be focused on just my children, husband or family. I now have colleagues and customers who get that attention too. 

Working also brings a sense of accomplishment to me. I strive to provide better for my family. Life is not about money. Would I like more? Of course!!!! I’m trying to provide in a sense that I want my children to see they can accomplish what ever they strive for.